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Image by Josh Applegate


Baptism might rightly also be called the sacrament of new birth in Christ (cfr John 3,3-5) which incorporates us into the very life of the Trinity (cfr Matthew 28,19). At baptism, one’s sins are completely forgiven; the water that is used symbolises the cleansing of the soul of Original Sin, inherited by all people at the moment of conception. It imparts sanctifying grace on the one who is baptised, which means that the Holy Spirit dwells in the soul, sanctifying it and preparing it for eternal life with God. Incorporating us thus “in Christ”, baptism makes us members of the Church. This stands to reason, since the Church is Christ’s mystical body. It is sometimes known as the “gateway sacrament”, since it is only through baptism that we can receive sanctifying grace and receive the other sacraments. In short, baptism is a sacrament of salvation (cfr 1 Peter 3,21).


To arrange a baptism, please contact the parish office on



 Please keep checking the newsletter for more information. 


Image by Josh Applegate

Christ gives us the Sacrament of Confession where we have to confess our sins to a Priest who is standing in for Christ. (in persona Christi) By confessing our sins we come to terms with what we did and it does remind us of our weakness and God’s grace. It is also important to note that as Catholics we are all united as the body of Christ and even though our sins may seem personal or it may seem like we can just confess them to God on our own, the act of going to the Sacrament of Confession is a sign that we realize that the consequences of our sin reach the whole body and we are taking action to restore our relationship with the Church. The Sacrament of Reconciliation accentuates the communal nature of our sinfulness and reconciliation. It helps us grasp that we are responsible for our lives, for how we think and act. This Sacrament forces us to see that we are not isolated individuals but members of the body of Christ and the human family. Our sin injures that body and violates the integrity of others. Therefore, conversion entails both God’s forgiveness and reconciliation with the Church (CCC 1440) 

The Sacrament of Confession is available every Saturday at:

 St Anthony's Wythenshawe at 10:30am and Sacred Heart Baguley at 11am.



Confirmation deepens our baptismal life that calls us to be missionary witnesses of Jesus Christ in our families, neighbourhoods, society, and the world. Through Confirmation, our personal relationship with Christ is strengthened. We receive the message of faith in a deeper and more intensive manner with great emphasis given to the person of Jesus Christ, who asked the Father to give the Holy Spirit to the Church for building up the community in loving service.


The Holy Spirit bestows seven gifts wisdom, understanding, knowledge, fortitude, counsel, piety, and fear of the Lord to assist us in our mission and witness. The impact of these gifts accompanies us in the various stages of our spiritual development.


As the confirmed, we walk with the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. Wisdom enables us to see the world from God’s viewpoint, which can help us come to grasp the purpose and plan of God. It grants us the long-range view of history, examining the present in the light of the past and the mystery of the future. It saves us from the illusion that the spirit of the times is our only guide. The Spirit’s gift of knowledge directs us to a contemplation, or thoughtful reflection, of the mystery of God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as well as of the mysteries of the Catholic faith. We are drawn to meditative prayer, where we allow God to lead us while we rest patiently in the divine presence.

Wedding Rings


Christian marriage is the union before God of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others for life and for the upbringing of children, and it is this vision for your life together that we will explore during your preparation.


If you would like to get married  the first step is to speak to a priest after a Sunday Mass. He will take your details and invite you to meet with him to look ahead with diaries, and to ask a few preliminary questions.

If you are thinking about getting married in the parish, we ask for at least twelve months notice so that all the necessary preparations can be made and to give you as a couple space to receive all of the excellent support which we can offer you, as you begin your life together.

Woman Praying


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